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The sun is shining and clouds floating by,
Birds are flying high in the sky.
Birds! I was told, have no emotion.
Why do they show their young devotion?
When birds sing, are they aware?
That their homes are becoming rare.
Forests destroyed with dreadful violence.
and All that's left is a deadly silence.

Birds of prey and birds so small.
Why don't we listen to their call?
A coloured parrot to a plain black crow.
They have a right to live and grow.

Illegally caught, through customs they go.
So foolish people can put them on show
Never again to soar in the sky.
Only to dream and never to fly.

Birds together and flying strong.
On the wing these birds belong.
As time will turn another page.
The only birds left will be in a cage.

© Bez Mac

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