The child within is curious, always wanting to explore.
And when she finds adventure, she’s always out for more.
Also she is innocent, hasn’t wisdom of a thing.
Darkness is lurking near her. To deliver a life sting.
He’s older and much smarter, manipulation is his skill.
He can use it very cleverly, and slowly takes her will.
She also believes him, when he says that she is bad.
And if she tells their secret, her mother will be mad.
She’s been told she mustn’t do this, so she she keeps it deep within.
Terrified of being found, of her committed sin.
A powerful mind controls her, and puts things in her mind.
Somehow she has been brainwashed into thinking he is kind.
Her heart says he is very wrong, her minds not so alert.
Always she returns to him, again to face the hurt.
She wants to cower in a corner, or yell it till she calms.
She wants to cry on someone’s shoulder, feel her mothers loving arms.
The pain is trapped inside her, until she’s old enough to know.
Until she breaks the barrier, and allows her tears to flow.
She will suffer deep regrets and thinks from time to time.
She’s kept her strength and spirit, throughout this wicked crime.
She has learnt of hurtful things, so to protect a wall was built.
But when she thinks, she smiles, for it’s him that lives with guilt.
She has won the battle; her soul still sings and shouts.
She has her life and children, and has ironed out her doubts
She’ll use it as a learning tool, and over passing years.
Will protect her children from her deepest fears.